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The Blog of the LaRTIC

LaRTIC researchers give their points of view

Blog (5)

Impression 4D pour la fabrication additive en construction

Avec le succès croissant des techniques d’impression 3D dans l’industrie de la construction, la fabrication additive s’impose comme un sujet de plus en plus populaire dans ce secteur. Dans ce contexte, l’impression 4D émerge comme une thématique de recherche prometteuse, élargissant les possibilités offertes par l’impression 3D. Le terme "impression 4D" a été introduit pour la première fois en 2013 par Skylar Tibbits, chercheur au Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Bien que les travaux fondateurs soient très encourageants, les techniques et approches liées à l’impression 4D restent encore peu connues, et leur potentiel d’application dans l’industrie de la construction demeure largement inexploré.


THESIS: Common Data Environments (CDEs) as tools for integrating information into large industrial and civil construction projects

The construction industry is a fragmented and complex sector that requires the participation of many stakeholders, making the projects’ completion challenging. Thus, the success of construction projects relies in large part on effective collaboration, including communication and management of information.


BIM for infrastructure: Parametric design and analysis of bridges

The file developed during this study is based on the technique of visual programming. It uses a parametric algorithm to model the bridge elements in a design software (Rhinoceros 3D and its extension Grasshopper) and allows the generation and analysis of a 3D model in a structural analysis software (Tekla Structures).


Construction 4.0 : The next revolution in the construction industry

Du BIM à la Construction 4.0

While the Building Information Modeling (BIM) approach has been an important enabler for the digital transformation in construction, the concept of Construction 4.0 gradually begins to impose itself. It is still difficult today to give a precise definition, even if the experts are unanimous on the fact that it will be a major revolution for the industry.

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Research Laboratory on Information Technology in Construction

Understand the industry, to adapt the technologies.

(+1) 514 396 8800
1100, rue Notre-Dame Ouest, Montréal, H1C 1K3