
 Heures ouverture ÉTS


(+1) 514 396 8800

1100, N-Dame O.

Montréal, H3C 1K3

Our themes 

and research topics

LaRTIC's activities are organized around 4 main research topics.

1. BIM and CDE

  • Common data environments
  • Computer-assisted collaborative work
  • Groupware

2. Construction 4.0

Construction 4.0
  • Connected objects
  • Ubiquitous connectivity
  • Wearable technologies

3. Construction simulation

4D simulation
  • Scheduling simulation
  • Logistics simulation
  • nD optimization

4. 4D printing in construction

4D printing
  • 4D printing
  • Additive manufacturing
  • 3D printers

© 2020 - LaRTIC, École de technologie supérieure.

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Research Laboratory on Information Technology in Construction

Understand the industry, to adapt the technologies.

(+1) 514 396 8800
1100, rue Notre-Dame Ouest, Montréal, H1C 1K3